Reserve your flight today!

Enjoy a flight around the Lachute area at no extra cost. Pay for the fuel and enjoy the ride!

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Located 1 hour from Montreal!

Flights all start at Lachute airport (CSE4). Located 5 minutes from autoroute 50, the airport contains a series of small planes included Cessnas 152 (2 seats) and Cessnas 172 (4 seats).

The prices vary according to your particular requests. It will usually vary between 150$-300$. Contact me for more details, I’d be happy the answer your questions.

I also do aerobatic flights!

About me

Hi! My name is Annie Bigras, a 23 year old full-time aviation enthusiast. I am currently seeking people to help me build my hours by bringing them on a flight around the Laurentian.

There will be no extra fees: just pay for whatever I pay. I have about 700 + hours of total time and carry a valid commercial, multi-engine, IFR, Float and aerobatic rating.

I’m excited to fly with you!